It was a perfect weekend. I am still in awe, how amazing it was. Even with the little unplanned developments (flowers 😊).
The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, Twyla. Thank you so much!
My first thought, when I sat down was „maybe we should have done it completely in English“, but that was just me experiencing it and understanding both languages. I got the feedback later from both my dad and my grandfather (but also other German relatives), that they really liked and enjoyed the speech. But they could only follow the German version. So we did the right thing.
But also our friends, who understand both languages said, they enjoyed the division.
And lastly the feedback from Harry’s family was, that they would have felt strange and even a bit guilty, if the speech would have been only in English. They liked hearing, how the German sounded. 😊
So it was, how we had hoped for. Everyone could follow the speech and the paragraphs were timed really well. We all enjoyed the stories you picked.